Can we imagine what it is like if this earth we call home is just barren land? With no trees, no flowers, birds, fishes and a whole lot more to color and beautify our lives? Mother Earth is the only planet with this amazing biodiversity realm of fauna and flora. We are so wonderfully blessed by their presence..... let's all work tgether to save the planet for ourselves and them too! (GREENSLEEVES)
Source: http://globalstewards.org/ecotips.htm
Out in Nature
•Trash: When you are out hiking, pick up trash along the way.
•Hiking Tips: Leave No Trace, Outdoor Ethics - provides tips for campers, climbers, and hikers.
•Restoration: Organize a community group to clean up a local stream, highway, park, or beach. For opportunities to do restoration work for a local organization, check out VolunteerMatch. The American Hiking Society coordinates week long volunteer vacations to help restore trails.
•Tree-Planting: Form a tree-planting group with family and/or friends: commit to planting and maintaining an agreed-upon number of trees over your life times. Plan regular gatherings for tree-planting and watering. Log your commitments in the United Nations Billion Tree Campaign.
•Parks: Visit and help support local parks. In the U.S., reserve a campsite at a National Park through the U.S. National Park Service Reservation Center or Reserve America (includes some state parks).
•Frogs: In the USA, help to track frog and toad populations through Frogwatch USA.
•Birds: In North America, help to track bird populations through Citizen Science.
•Balloons: Never release balloons outdoors. They frequently find their way to open water (even from 100's of miles away) and can harm or kill turtles, whales, and other marine mammals.
•Stargazing: Stargazing schedule - provides current information about stargazing events.
•Educational Sites:
◦Animals: Animal Diversity Web and Wild Sound Stories
◦Biology: The Biology Project
◦Marine Biology: OceanLink
◦Birds: Peterson's Perspective and Introduction to the Aves
◦Microbes: The Microbe Zoo
◦Astronomy: Nine Planets Solar System Tour
◦WWF Fun and Games
◦Environmental Kids Club
◦For Teachers: Environmental Education Resources and Environmental Defense's Teacher's Guide
Create a Backyard Wildlife Habitat
As people take over more and more of the land, we need to provide food, water, and shelter to the animals that are now relying on us for their survival.
•Backyard Wildlife Habitat:
A backyard wildlife habitat or "naturescape" can be created in your own backyard. A miniature version can even be created on your patio or deck. Basic elements include fresh water (i.e., a bird bath and, if in a yard, water low to the ground); plants and feeders that provide nourishment for birds, insects, etc.; and rocks, trees, bushes and/or bird houses for shelter and nesting. Purchase plants that are native to your area. The National Wildlife Federation has an excellent program: The Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program which provides some helpful, detailed examples.
•Attracting Animals: Learn how to attract:
•Protecting Birds: The greatest danger to birds in your yard is window collisions. Audubon provides tips for minimizing collisions.
•Resources: How to Naturescape provides inspiration and information on switching to native plants.
*Organic Gardening: Go organic!! - here are some basics:-
•Native Garden: Learn about creating a Native Garden from eNature. Get to know the specific ecosystem your home is located in (e.g., Oak Woodland, Grasslands) and select plants native to this ecosystem.
•Xeriscape: Tips on how to grow an environmentally friendly lawn can be found at the Xeriscape.
•Climate-Friendly Gardens: Learn about becoming a climate-friendly gardener from UCS.
•Rain Garden: Create a rain garden on your property to reduce runoff into storm drains.
•Veggies in Containers: Tips on growing great vegetables in containers.
•Window Farms: Innovative way to grow food from recycled containers hanging in windows.
•Composting: Composting provides important nutrients for your organic garden. Learn more at Wikipedia's Compost page.
•Free Dirt Exchange: Find free soil in your area for your landscaping project or garden through Tons of Dirt.
•Worm Composting: Learn about worm composting (vermiculture) at Earthworm FAQ.
•Mulching: Mulching mowers are available which will convert cut grass into a natural fertilizer.
•Carbon Debt: Work off your carbon dioxide "debt" by planting trees! Find out how much you need to work off with the Climate Change Calculator.
•Pesticides: Learn about current toxicity and regulatory information for pesticides in the PAN Pesticide Database.
•Resources: Links to great sites on everything from worm composting (vermiculture) to organic farming can be found at Useful Links.
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