Thursday, April 30, 2009


THANKS to Jenna for sharing this informative article on the humble beetroot...

Beetroot contains folate, potassium and manganese. The green leafy tops are
especially nutritious as they contain calcium, beta-carotene and iron.
Experts believe that the red pigmentation of beetroot contains certain
anti-cancer agents and beetroot has been used in the treatment of cancer for
some years.
Calories in Beetroot:4 oz/100g = approx 36 calories

BeetrootBeta vulgaris, commonly known as beet or beetroot, is a flowering plant species
in the family Chenopodiaceae. Several cultivars are valued around the world as
edible root vegetables, fodder (mangel) and sugar-producing sugar beet

Beetroot Nutrition Info
An average size cup of beetroot would contain approximately 31 food calories;
8.5g of carbohydrate, 1.5g of dietary fiber, phosphorous, potassium and 1.5g of
protein. Cooked beetroot is a great source of folate that can protect you
against high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Beetroot Health Benefits
Beetroot is good for the health of the heart as it contains soluble fibre with
can help to reduce high blood cholesterol levels.
It also contains the phytochemicals carotenoids and flavonoids which help
prevent LDL ‘ bad’ cholesterol from being oxidised and deposited in the

Beetroot is virtually fat free and low in calories. It has an extremely low GL
which means it’s converted into sugars very slowly which helps to keep blood
sugar levels stable.
Beetroot has for many years been used as a treatment for cancer in Europe.
Specific anti-carcinogens are bound to the red colouring matter which supposedly
helps fight against cancer and beetroot also increases the uptake of oxygen by
as much as 400 percent. Additional studies are taking place to add support to
these claims.

Storing BeetrootBeetroot can be stored in the refrigerator or on a cool, dark shelf. It'll
normally keep for a few weeks when it's young and fresh.

Beetroot Trivia
The colour of red beetroot is due to a variety of betalain pigments, unlike
most other red plants, such as red cabbage, which contain anthocyanin pigments.
The composition of different betalain pigments can vary, giving breeds of
beetroot which are yellow or other colors in addition to the familiar deep red.
Betacyanin in beetroot may cause red urine and feces in some people who are
unable to break it down. This is called beeturia.

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